
Simple Plans for Everyone

IT Support


Monthly Plan

We can assist your business on-demand.

  • PC Support
  • Mac Support
  • Server Support
  • Software Support
  • Helpdesk / Remote Support
  • Network Support
  • Printer Support
  • Backup Support

Wi-Fi Management


Monthly Plan

We provide and install an Enterprise Class AP customized with your network settings and custom login portal.

We provide support, management, and troubleshoot network problems.

Data Recovery


One Time – Per Device

Hard drive failure can be one of the most frustrating problems. We can attempt to recover important data for you. If nothing can be recovered there will be no charge.


How many devices are supported in your IT Support plans?

Our base price includes support for up to 10 devices. Additional devices will have a per device charge of $8 / month.

How do you provide remote support?

We use TeamViewer to provide remote support. You can easily contact us from your PC or Mac and request immediate support.

How does the Wi-Fi Management service work?

We provide your business with an enterprise-class AP. Usually a UniFI AP. These devices support the newest and fastest Wi-Fi networks, customization, and up to 300 connected clients.

How can you help me if my computer stopped working?

If you are using our IT Support plan, we will service and repair your device. *Hardware replacement costs not included in the contract. We also offer one-time service calls. Please contact us to see our pricing.

Ready for On-Demand IT Support?

We are ready to support your business. We can evaluate your current office setup, create a support plan, and begin to provide your business with support.